Computing Department

House Style

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When we build a website we want the pages to look like they belong together and have something in common.

This is achieved through a HOUSE STYLE which helps to give that consistency.

Here are some examples of websites with a strong house style:

 BBC  Screen Shot 2016-09-26 at 21.29.22


 Tesco  Screen Shot 2016-09-26 at 21.28.52


 eBay Screen Shot 2016-09-26 at 21.31.14


Key Features

  • Simple colour schemes – just a few colours that COMPLEMENT each other (go together well)
  • Logo – to represent the company / business
  • The same fonts – think about Headings, Sub Headings and Body Text
  • Bullet points or lists (to make it easier for users to read the information)

Some organisations produce a guide that goes into much further detail and includes, for example, when to use hyphens or speech marks, certain key spellings, how to lay out tables and where the date should go.

The following document is a real example of an organisation’s style guide.
